Fraise has had a bunch of ingredients go missing from her cottage lately, which is highly detrimental to her alchemist business! She's having a hard time figuring out where all of the ingredients are going, but her cat Peppermint has a pretty good idea.

Rats. Fraise can't smell 'em, but Peppermint sure can. And she's certain that they're the ones behind all of this. Of course, she's never actually seen one in person, so she can only speculate. That is, until, a potion falls on her head, making her much smaller than she remembered being. And a suspicious squeaking is heard nearby.

Hit off all the potions in order to find the rascal behind your annoying new size!

Made this in six days for the Black Cat Jam! Had a blast with this (no pun intended), but its definitely a bit buggy as its my first time making an actual platformer! 


Move - Left and Right Arrows 

Jump - Space

Fall Through Platform - Shift

Hit /Progress Dialogue - Z

Updated 8 hours ago
Published 2 days ago
Made withGameMaker
Tagsalchemist, cat, cottagecore, Cozy, Cute, Magic, potions


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as a person who also participated in the jam but didnt submit anything (cuz im not very disciplined 😅), i couldnt see the entries lol. its cool to be able to see someones skill in a lil package like this. 

i wouldv rated this pretty highly, honestly. increasingly varied gameplay by adding more mechanics and time and also have dialogue sections, lil bit of a story, the characters were dripping with personality

first level i got an A, second level i got a D cuz i got stuck in the wall or floor or idk what ud call it lol. somehow approached it from the left wall n then phased thru it idk

but the third level i got an S so i feel like i got my revenge lol . 

the keys were a little awkward for me, but then again im not very experienced with PC games compared to console games lol, i just got a computer likee 9 months ago. more used to wasd

i wonder if instead of just a level select screen, maybe if it had more dialogue sections before it that maybe subtly tutorialized the upcoming mechanics like the cauldrons or the flyin books

also u can make it to where the timer is more motivated in the scope of the story, like somethin "new" happens in the story every time the timer runs out so the timer doesnt seem as arbitrary, yknow? i understand the game has more of an arcadey feel to it, im just the type of person to want to motivate everything lol

good job tho honestly truly truly honestly. coming from a person who also tried to make their first catformer 😅 

good good job

Thank you so much for the feedback! :D I'll definitely get onto fixing that bug when the jam is finished lol, but I'm glad it didn't hamper your experience too much. Also, the little screenshot of your catformer is really cute! I wish you luck in developing it or any other project ! :)


Considering this is your "first time making a platformer", there is an insane display of talent on display here. From the artwork to the sound design to the juice and game-feel, it's a really great snippet of enjoyment.

I think you're aware perhaps, but the gameplay I think can get fairly stale fairly quickly - considering how much love and attention went in to every other aspect of the package, I think it's completely understandable. Maybe if the game wasn't time based but rather you have to chase the rat after you find him that might have been better?

Don't take this nit-picking as criticism, however - you've done an amazing job and should be proud of it :)

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the in-depth critique! :D


You're welcome :) hopefully it's come across as being fair and not just mean haha

Don't worry, your feedback was really fair and helpful, not mean at all! I'm really happy you enjoyed the experience! :D


Great game! Love the story, really fun to read and play. I think this game is one of my favs now!^^


Very fun game, and I adore the artwork!  


Ratthew! 🤣👍my first playthrough I got a C with 32 slaps😼

this was oddly satisfying. great game!